Tuesday, August 14, 2012

On the move...

My goodness, a busy few days...

I left Tavistock just after 7.00am Saturday on the bus to Plymouth. From there a whole day on the train, changing at Birmingham, to arrive in Glasgow late afternoon. Up to Margaret McDonald House (Glasgow School of Art student accommodation) in Bucleugh St where I had a room for two nights. Not the most welcoming accommodation but there we are, it was 'cheap' (comparatively).

Sunday I caught the train to Dalmuir station to spend the day with Aunt Christine and Marjorie at Ramsay St. Also ANGUS. 

The man in charge...
Aunt Christine and Marjorie
Cups of tea, chat, lunch out, walks for Angus and late afternoon train back to Glasgow before leaving the following morning to train down to London then underground helter-skelter to catch a train from Liverpool St to Harwich in order to get the overnight ferry to Hoek van Holland. All a bit rushed, this leg, but its purpose was to see Christine and Marjorie and it was lovely to do that.

I loved my compact little cabin on the Stena Hollandica and being up on deck early to watch our entry on a calm, fine morning into the Hoek van Holland. From there train to Rotterdam (chatting to a young Canadian lass) another train to Den Haag, tram to Rijswijk and who should I see, coming towards me on bikes along Bilderdijklaan, but Lauren and Merel. Like coming 'home'. After lunch L & M left to catch the day ferry to Harwich (!) and I went into the village to do some food shopping and get my hair cut (the relief!!). Nina and Lasse have become Nina, Lasse and Benjamin (for at least part of the time).

Nice to be back :-)


  1. Tires me out reading your schedule ! :)

  2. Ha .. Couldn't comment earlier .. now I get two for the price of one :)<

  3. You will need many days of R&R on your return!
