Sunday, August 12, 2012


Sitting in Cafe Antipasti in Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow - I'm getting good at finding places with free internet access! Wandering the streets of Glasgow tonight after a day in Clydebank/Dalmuir with Aunt Christine, Marjorie and ANGUS!! A wee bit too tired to write coherently. Tomorrow is train from Glasgow to London then another train to Harwich and night ferry to Hook of Holland. Will post again, coherently, when I am back in the Hague.

SlĂ inte mhath!


  1. Travel days are tough aren't they. Thinking of you.

  2. Thanks Marion. Now on train to London and lining Richard Branson's pockets for wi-fi access!

  3. I don't see how you have kept up your energy and this blog! Remarkable, really! I have tried to keep travel diaries---never works for me :-(
