Monday, August 20, 2012

Heemstede - Haarlem by bike...

Here I am (on the bridge), ready to take on any Olympic medalist... 

Yesterday was very special. I caught the train from Holland Spoor to Heemstade where I was met by Jaap and Gerda, Merel's parents. We went back to their lovely home for coffee and apple cake (to celebrate Merel's birthday of the previous day) and then set off to bike to Haarlem. I had no idea this was planned! Fortunately the day was a little cooler - perfect for cycling. I got to experience an 'upright bike' and the privileged position afforded to cyclists on Dutch roads. The countryside we biked through was just beautiful - farms, canals, old woods - impossible to do  justice to photographically (especially while on the bike).

19C pumping station for draining a polder
Gerda and Jaap ahead
We biked into Haarlem, secured our bikes in a 'bike-park' and had lunch in the city centre, by the river, where we could watch the passing boats and barges and the bridges opening for the water traffic.

Jaap and Gerda
The green bridge opens by swinging sideways rather than opening from the centre
We discovered the Haarlem red light district by accident...

Gerda and red lights

I wondered what Osh would make of this...

We stopped outside a community garden where Gerda and Jaap do some work...

...and I saw a stork nest...

We biked 25km in all - and I couldn't wipe the big grin off my face the whole way. I felt so happy!

Thank you Gerda and Jaap for a truly magical day.


  1. Well done ! How are the thighs ? Great shots again .. esp the pump station. That is one steep roof that guy is on .. good to shed the snow with I guess. One of the shots looked like you had a tail wind :) I am still unsure about the central restart .. but the building around town is progressing .. nervously waiting to see the facades !

  2. Another 6 months of that and you'll be ready for Le Race to Akaroa! 25km would be our place to Uni and back - but in one go. As you observed though - a lot more pleasant over there than fighting for road space here, and no traffic lights.

    It's funny how narrow some of the buildings are - the 2 window wide one behind Jaap and Gerda in photo 4. I suspect the staircase would be just like Merel's - or worse. It also looks like there was a stained-glass window in the one by the "Red" (photo 7) that was filled in with bricks. Cheers

  3. Thighs are OK, bum bones are sore, knees are shot!

    The red light district is very close to the huge church - interesting juxtaposition.

    I don't know how elderly people get on in these houses John. Don't know how you put a chair lift on a narrow windy staircase (or several).

  4. Re the brick light windows .. maybe what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over ? Eat more raw fish Jane .. the oil might help lubricate your knees :)<

  5. Raw fish - hmmmm... That or knee replacements in near future. Think I'll try the raw fish :-)

  6. Love the stork nest. Surprisingly neat!
