Lots of tracked changes by the look of it! That's a very interesting piece of furniture back right of the laptop - and is that lovely knotty baltic pine furniture on the left? Nice sunny room to work in.
There are some nice old pieces of family furniture. It is a lovely room - and Lauren has a large collection of classical CDs which I can play while working :-)
haha grumpy looking pussycat!
ReplyDeleteDutch cats can do the evils as well as Kiwi cats.
ReplyDelete'Do the evils' - I like that. Actually I think it's the angle. She's not so much grumpy as nervy.
ReplyDeleteLots of tracked changes by the look of it!
ReplyDeleteThat's a very interesting piece of furniture back right of the laptop - and is that lovely knotty baltic pine furniture on the left?
Nice sunny room to work in.
There are some nice old pieces of family furniture. It is a lovely room - and Lauren has a large collection of classical CDs which I can play while working :-)
ReplyDeleteLooks like the ideal writing retreat . . .