Sunday, July 22, 2012

Gouda molen

Believe it or not I came across this giant by accident. I was wandering away from the centre of Gouda and was first alerted by the sweep of a blade, partially obscured behind trees. Coming closer was exciting. While most windmills are in open country this one has, over the centuries, become part of the town of Gouda. I had to come right up to its base before I could see it properly. Such a beautiful piece of engineering - really a work of art in its own right. While you are aware of the 'wish...wish...wish' of the blades, it is surprisingly quiet, outside and in. And yes, it was operating and open to the public - and it was free! Moreover there was no supervision. I was able to climb the five - maybe six - flights of unbelievably steep stairs, past all the layers of machinery, to get up to the platform which can be seen in the photos. It was just a very special experience. I have always thought living in a lighthouse would be an amazing - and I think living in, or by, a windmill would be similar. I am sure all mills have their own characters and personalities. There were little living quarters attached and clearly a caretaker was in residence.

Out one of the mill windows - another mill!!
From the platform - I couldn't get much closer to the blades than this
I think this might be some sort of brake mechanism? 

Little house on the left was the caretaker's cottage


  1. Brilliant .. I didn't get that close let alone into one so well done .. I am not sure but the brake you mentioned 'might' be a mechanism to allow the blades to be moved to face the wind :)

  2. You don't have to be so polite PG. How about 'stupid woman, she doesn't know her brakes from her tiller' (for want of a better word!). Thank you :-))

  3. Well it might have been polite .. but it was only a suggestion and you might be right .. so hence my reason to be unsure and not bolshy :)<

  4. Charming humility, both of you. Bolshy? Windmill closeup sounds enchanting, manners or no :-)
