Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Okehampton Show...

Trotted off to town early yesterday morning (no need for an umbrella!!!) to catch the #118 bus to Okehampton for the one-day Okehampton Show. Just under an hour on the bus as it wove through little villages - Mary Tavy, Peter Tavy, Brentor, Lydford...  (Peter and Mary were saints, not siblings). The bus driver, in the accommodating way of all these moor drivers, dropped several of us right at the entrance.

What a day! For a smallish Dartmoor town this was a big show. After more than a week of drizzle and rain the sun shone and the crowds turned out. An early highlight for me - I went to watch a falconry display. The man was demonstrating the skills of his bird Jacob. Then what do you know, he headed straight over to me and asked if I would like to put on the glove and let Jacob land for a morsel of meat. Would I??  So I had the pleasure of having Jacob fly in and sit on my outstretched, gloved hand. What a privilege. Sadly I couldn't take a photo but this is Jacob with his handler...

Whether I actually approve of falconry or not I'm not sure - I don't know enough about it and if I knew more I might dislike the controlling nature of the sport - but to hold such a bird for a brief time left me with the biggest smile :-)

After that I visited all the animals...







Niki and Geoff, I have so many photos of different breeds to share with you - some especially interesting sheep, goats and pigs.

There was even ferret racing (definitely don't approve of this I have to say)...

I spent some time talking with this lady. The chairs are all old ones that she has restored. I would have walked away with any or all of them if I could.

Just great to be part of such a fantastic local day :-)


  1. Don't all of those animals look so clean and tidy in their unnatural surroundings. Good shooting tex. ;o}<

  2. You predicted right (in prior comment). Smiles all around at this post---and at PG's comment.

    I can only imagine the majesty of holding a falcon---after participating in a bird banding a couple of years ago, and experiencing the mystery of holding even a small bird---but a falcon! Whew!

  3. I wondered why the man came over to me first and asked if I would like to wear the glove. He asked others later. I think it was because I was so entranced and it must have showed on my face or in my position or something...
